Well, it has been pretty uneventful here on the prairie. "Everything is comin' around" as I heard a wise man say one time. Our turkeys are growing more and more beautiful seemingly every few days. This morning I let them out of there digs, and as they do every morning, they twit about then gather into their formation, run and take flight for the next 50 feet to the silo where our ducks have a swimming hole and the turkeys frequent. I always wonder why they fly that short distance; our house is on a hill and our outbuildings all lay at the bottom of our hill, so as they could run downhill, they chose to fly...perhaps its for my viewing pleasure. I do look forward to it every morning...it's awesome. I have tried several times to get a photo of it but the justice is never done.
All of our piglets are exquisite and our sows and boars are hopefully doing what they are suppose to be doing, although I haven't been a witness yet. The Poulet Rouge are scroungers...they are now running freely in the coop with my laying hens and are all over the acreage when they are out. I have finally been relieved of recruitment duty. I was having to spend an hour every night teaching them as a mother hen would to go back into the coop at 9 PM. It has been a few nights now and they have all been in when I go to shut them in (what a relief). I am surprised how much food they find around here...when I pick then up I can feel their gullets bulging; good greens etc.
All my ducks are looking good. My Indian Runner ducks are just like Ping (do you know the story). I didn't realize Ping from the Yangtze was a Runner...